To Dad

In a world that's filled with chaos,
One man stands tall and true.
A father who is my guiding light,
in everything I do.

With steady hands and a loving heart,
He leads me through each day,
Teaching me the ways of life,
And showing me the way.

He's always there to lend a hand,
Or offer up advice,
To lift me up when I am down,
Help me make it through the hardships of life.

So here's to you, dear dad of mine,
My rock, My strength, My guide,
I'll cherish every moment spent,
With you right by my side.

For you have shown me what it means,
To love with all my might,
To always stand up tall and strong,
And never give up the fight.

So thank you, dad, for all you do,
For all the love you give,
I'll cherish you forevermore,
For as long as I shall live.

© 2024 Paul Cox All Rights Reserved

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