The Body in the Woods – Part 3

Photo by Alex Mihis on Unsplash

Officer Patrick noted the time and date when he saw the little girl on the camera on the trail.

Seeing her on the surveillance footage revived his energy and his hope to solving the mystery of this case of The Body in the Woods.

Officer Patrick, said he needed to take a walk to clear his mind, so he ventured outside into the darkness and he lit a cigarette and started thinking out loud.

He thought how much better he would feel if he knew her name and if she was reported missing and that it would be nice to let her family know where she was.

He also noted in his notes that when the little girl was seen on the surveillance tape that she was definitely there alone.

Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash

Now the question was Is she there to meet someone or was she there to just clear her head? Maybe she was meeting a boyfriend, maybe she was meeting a girlfriend? Soon the toxicology report will be back and we can see if she was there to buy drugs. So many unanswered questions, officer Patrick decided to get back inside and watch some of the tapes.

Meanwhile, Tom and Linda were growing concerned and decided to go to the hospital to see if they could see the little girl. When they arrived they were told that she was not allowed any visitors but that she was stable and looked as if right now she was going to make a full recovery.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Linda was very grateful to the nurse but Tom acted as if he had seen a ghost or was just told he was about to die. Linda asked him, “what is wrong?” He only mumbled nothing and walked out the hospital doors and to the car.

Back at the police station Officer Patrick was still watching the tapes, he was on the last tape that had taken from the maintenance building. Suddenly the little girl appeared on the tape again only this time she was running and it looked like she was running for her life.

Office Patrick watched and as the figure that appeared to be chasing her appeared on the screen and he was going to memorize the face but just like that the tape ended. He would have to go back to the maintenance building and collect more tapes.

Photo by Nicolas Barbier Garreau on Unsplash

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